
I’m a writer, editor, and artist, based in New Mexico and Texas. My stories and poems often focus on magic, since that’s what really happens in life, but not the kind of magic with fancy wands or perfect edges, necessarily. I’m drawn to authenticity and healing, and to pursuing the mojo of life that motors us through the challenges.

I released my first two books at the end of last year, one right after the other. Now, That’s a Trick (Finishing Line Press, 2022) is a magical realism flash fiction chapbook, and My Bones Are Love Gifts (Shanti Arts, 2022) is a collection of my poems and drawings. My stories, poems, audio collaborations, and articles have also been published in a tidy, shiny heap of literary magazines and contests, including these: Daily Science Fiction, PANK Magazine, Bourbon Penn, NANO Fiction, We’Moon, Hunger Mountain, Going Down Swinging, matchbook, Gargoyle, The Doctor T.J. Eckleberg Review, flashquake, Luna Station Quarterly, and others.

Interested in learning more? You can find links to other worlds on the Publications page of this website. The Read section offers selected published poems and stories that aren’t available online elsewhere. Visit the Listen area to hear poetry and music collaborations, and the Blog section has some updates and personal whispers. Have you explored them yet?

Edit & Shine is my editing business, offering services to polish your written work and help it shine. I was a prose reader for Boulevard Magazine from 2019 to 2023, and I enjoyed that. I’m also part of the team at Plume: A Writer’s Companion, a writing community and literary podcast for women-identifying and non-binary writers, where I’m the Maker of Magic & Adjustments (helping with graphic design, podcast, and updates).

That’s a little about me. Connect with me if you’re curious to learn more. Tell me about what you’re working on. Relay your odd dreams.

Write on, friends.
